This study examines Portugal’s evolving role in the international system, focusing on its strategic maritime assets and participation in global cooperation frameworks. Despite being a small state, Portugal leverages its Atlantic position to enhance its geopolitical influence within the European Union (EU) and NATO. The research highlights Portugal’s historical transition from a colonial power to a modern democratic state, emphasizing its renewed commitment to international collaboration through scientific diplomacy, maritime infrastructure, and cybersecurity. In this regard, Portugal’s maritime assets such its network of submarine cables underscores its significance in global digital communications, while its involvement in initiatives like the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance and PESCO demonstrates its strategic importance in sustainable development and defense innovation. The study explores the challenges Portugal faces, particularly in digitalization and security, and identifies opportunities for strengthening its role as a hub for international cooperation. The article is aimed at providing insights into how small states can navigate complex global systems, fostering trust and stability in international relations. The findings underscore the importance of aligning initiatives with broader EU and NATO strategies to uphold Portugal’s influence in global security and cooperation through its South Atlantic assets.
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