The Latin expression “Veni, vidi, vici,” historically associated with the victories of Julius Caesar, is now used to classify situations in which success is easily achieved. This can result from a lack of values or an ethic of action. The association of disparate paths with facile victories represents a paradoxical derivation, yet it is a topic that is currently at the forefront of numerous reflections on contemporary institutions. The several attempts to elucidate the interconnections between ethics and politics give rise to a series of analyses that demonstrate a transition from conventional values (impartiality, legality, and integrity) to a nascent set of novel values that prioritize the pursuit of gain. The aim of this text is to provide a framework for a reasoned debate on the subject of the decline in ethical standards in politics that has occurred since the advent of the 21st century. This decline is evidenced by a range of phenomena, including armed conflicts and developments within the academic realm.
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